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Grid System, Power, and Capacity Limits

SmartgridOne Considers Current and Power Limits of the Electrical Installation.
When scheduling controllable devices, SmartgridOne takes into account the configured current and power limits.

Configuring current limits (for the grid connection or underlying groups) is intended to prevent overcurrent and protect the electrical installation from overloads.

Power limits are used to specify the maximum amount of power that can be drawn from or fed back into the grid. These limits should be configured to ensure the normal operation of devices is not compromised.


The grid system, as well as the current and power limits, are configured during the initial setup.
These settings can later be adjusted in the app under Settings > Admin Settings > Constraints.

Initial setup on the configuration page

  • Nominal Current of the Main Fuse (A): Enter the fuse rating of the main breaker where the grid measurement takes place.
  • Grid System: Select the type of connection
    • Single-Phase 230V
    • Three-Phase Star 230V Phase-Neutral / 400V Phase-Phase
    • Three-Phase Delta 230V Phase-Phase
  • Allowed Import Power from the Grid (kW): Specify the maximum power that can be drawn from the grid. This corresponds to the import limit/capacity limit.
  • Allowed Export Power to the Grid (kW): Specify the maximum power that can be fed back into the grid. This corresponds to the export limit/injection limit.

Under "Allowed Export Power", enter the maximum amount of power that can be fed back into the grid. This corresponds to the export limit.


The connected devices will be managed to ensure the set limits are not exceeded.
SmartgridOne does not control devices that cannot be managed. Such unmanaged devices may cause the configured limits to be exceeded.

Settings in the App

In the app, power limits can be adjusted via Settings > Admin Settings > Constraints
This can be useful for modifying the charging speed of vehicles or batteries.